by MPC | Apr 18, 2020 | Kids Connection
Welcome to Kids Connection! We encourage parents to sing & worship along with your children through each worship video, as well as the lesson! Sing-Along! We have a blast singing songs about Jesus! Hit play and sing-along! Lesson 1: “Artist” This week...
by MPC | Apr 12, 2020 | Kids Connection
Welcome to Kids Connection! We encourage parents to sing & worship along with your children through each worship video, as well as the lesson! Sing-Along! We have a blast singing songs about Jesus! Hit play and sing-along! Lesson 5: “My Healer, Jesus”...
by MPC | Apr 7, 2020 | Kids Connection
Welcome to Kids Connection! We encourage parents to sing & worship along with your children through each worship video, as well as the lesson! Sing-Along! We have a blast singing songs about Jesus! Hit play and sing-along! Lesson 4: “My Comforter” This...
by MPC | Apr 5, 2020 | Kids Connection
Welcome to Kids Connection! We encourage parents to sing & worship along with your children through each worship video, as well as the lesson! Sing-Along! We have a blast singing songs about Jesus! Hit play and sing-along! Lesson 3: “God Uses Us To Help...
by MPC | Apr 5, 2020 | Kids Connection
Hello Parents! We miss teaching your kiddos! Below is an easy-to-do scavenger hunt that will be fun for your kids and allow you to teach them the events that took place between Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and His resurrection. All of the items are things you...
by MPC | Mar 31, 2020 | Kids Connection
Welcome to Kids Connection! We encourage parents to sing & worship along with your children through each worship video, as well as the lesson! Sing-Along! We have a blast singing songs about Jesus! Hit play and sing-along! Lesson 2: “Cooped Up” This...